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Inside Approach
Improvement Area: Swing
Rating: - Very Useful
The Inside Approach is a training aid that identifies swing path faults and teaches the proper plane in which to swing the golf club. The training aid features a cylindrical-shaped cushion that is attached to a stand. The cushion hovers directly over the ball, along the intended target line and corrects swing paths that are over-the-top of the swing plane (which produce slices, pulls and pop ups) and swing paths that are too far from the inside or underneath the plane (which produce pushes and hooks). A key selling point is that it provides immediate feedback on one’s swing. The company offers a six-swing guarantee that your swing path will be corrected. The Inside Approach costs $79.98, plus shipping and handling. The Inside Approach comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. It can be used by both right and left hand golfers.

Comments on Use:

  • The Inside Approach is very transportable and can easily be stored in the side pocket of your golf bag for pre-round warm up or practice in general.
  • While it is obvious that the Inside Approach benefits golfers that come over the top and slice the ball, we also found out that it can be used for golfers that push or hook the ball. It comes with a videotape that demonstrates how it can be used to correct common swing faults.
  • We found the Inside Approach to be of high quality and extremely durable. Made from high strength plastic and foam, it can be assembled and taken apart in a couple of minutes.
  • The foam portion of the Inside Approach sits 4-5 inches off the ground forcing the golfer to swing along the right path in order to miss striking the aid.
  • The Inside Approach can be set up to work on chipping. A common fault on chipping is for golfers to scoop their chip shots and finish high. This foam portion of the aid can be turned in order to force the golfer to finish low and left on the chip shot enforcing the proper chipping technique.


The Inside Approach provides instant feedback highlighting improper swing habits. Easily transportable, it can be used for pre-round warm up and provides a great visual cue heading to the first tee. The Inside Approach can be used indoors and out to help groove a swing. We used the Inside Approach to practice chipping, full shots, used it with a weighted club, and even practiced putting with it. The two biggest problems golfers have are proper swing path and alignment. Using the Inside Approach a few times a week will assist in eliminating these problems. We highly recommend this training aid to golfers of all abilities that are looking for a training aid that will give them instant feedback on their swing. Additional information on the Inside Approach training aid can be found on their web page at