Product Reviews

Carbite Golf “The Big Otey”

Club Reviewed: Carbite Golf “The Big Otey” mallet limited edition putter with leather grip. Available in right and left hand models in 33, 34, 35, and 36” lengths. Price is $199.95 each.
Ball Used: Titleist Pro V1
Location: Course, Indoor, and Outdoor Practice Green

Carbite Golf “The Big Otey” Review:

Setup & Alignment

The Carbite Big Otey putter sets up very square to the intended target line. The head design features a unique sight line of brass and aluminum with a bright white line. The double bend shaft aids in aligning the golf ball providing an unobstructed view.

The feel of the putter was very soft giving excellent feedback up the shaft and into the hands on well struck putts. The balance is good with even weight distribution across the large mallet head design.

The Carbite Big Otey putter was a solid performer both on the practice green and the course. We found that off-center hits were not penalized much at all in direction and only slightly so in terms of distance. The weight distribution of the putter gets the ball rolling quickly minimizing skidding. The brass moves weight to the face of the club as well and serves to expand the sweet spot for putts which enhances the putter’s performance.

“The Big Otey” is a large mallet style putter with brass insert and alignment aid. The head design features an aluminum body with milled weight distribution. The brass insert and aluminum body contrast nicely.

The Otey Crisman name has been synonymous with golf for a long time and after a brief absence, Carbite Golf returns the name to the market with “The Big Otey” putter. Originally founded in 1946, Otey Crisman putters have won five Masters, four PGA Championships, one U.S. Open, and seven Champions Tour Majors. We give “The Big Otey” high marks for performance, looks, and feel. “The Big Otey” putter should appeal to those golfers that prefer mallet putters and the soft feel of brass. Additional information on the Otey Crisman putters from Carbite Golf can be found on their web site at



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