Product Reviews - Golf Balls

Swing Machine Golf

Author: Paul Wilson with Ken Steven
Category: Instruction
Target Audience: Anyone looking to improve their game



Looking for the perfect swing? An instructional book by veteran teaching professional Paul Wilson and writer Ken Steven may have what you are looking for. The hardbound 200 plus page book outlines how a golfer can swing just like the mechanical Iron Bryon swing machine. The Iron Byron is the testing device built by True Temper in the 60's to test equipment and used by the U.S.G.A. to test golf balls. The book is packed with high quality color pictures and easy to read text providing specific instruction on how to mimic the most consistent swing in golf.

The book is broken down into a series of ten lessons covering the three key elements of the perfect swing: circular body rotation, an unrestricted hinge, and a constant forward tilt. Additional chapters provide an interesting introduction to Iron Bryon and how to pull all of this information together. An added bonus with the purchase of this book is a series of monthly email messages sent out by Paul Wilson himself. These email messages provide additional instructional tips and suggestions to maximize your learning experience.

We found Swing Machine Golf to be an excellent instructional book that should appeal to golfers of all abilities but especially new golfers looking for a complete program to building a consistent repeating golf swing. The presentation of the material is clear with a specific objective and result outlined for each lesson. Finally, the outstanding photographs presented in this book and its classy packaging make this book a great addition to any coffee table.

Additional information on the Swing Machine Golf book can be found on their web site at


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